1måned igjen til R4 VM og vi har trent:-)
DET NÆRMER SEG! Om en måned er det duket for nok et VM! Vi har fått trent godt denne sommeren, både i Oppdal, Kongsberg og Sjoa. Deler av...
VM 2016 R4 Al Ain
På tide å begynne å følge bloggen igjen, nå ligger 4 av masters damene i trening for R4 i Al Ain til høsten. Annet hvert år arrangeres...
DRR , Overall and Whats to come
BRONZE MEDAL WINNERS IN THE DRR AND OVERALL we raced downriver about 13 km, 25 rapids and 33 degrees celcius, it was a floating start ,...
Bronze winners in Slalom
Today the Czeck Republic showed togetherness and finesse in the slalomrace with NZ breathing up their necks in points. All teams skipped...
H2H competition and sprint/H2H medal Seremony
Today we went head to head with the Czech Republic in our first heat and then New Zealand in our second. we fought hard, kept focus on...
Bronze medal winners in Sprint
So we competed in the Sprint competition yesterday , the result of this will determine who we will go up against in the head 2 head...
Opening Ceremony
early start 6 oclock, bagged breakfast and stowed into army trucks like cattle (ish), holding onto our hats and hanging on by our arms,...
Training days on the Citarik river
So, here we are, finally, and now we have spent some fun days on and off the river, trying to adjust to the climate wich is very hot and...
The NMT Ladies are ready to go:-)
Just a few days left before we travel to Java, 4 of us will get a few extra practice runs on the river before we are all together. We...